Banners and Signs

The finest way to publicize products and projects now a day is with Banner Stands. It is a most common way of presentation in trade show. Every restaurant, shop and exhibition is using Banner Stands because of their attractiveness and attention-grabbing decorations.

MAJESTY INNOVATES provides you with High-class Banner Stands at very affordable prices. Banner stands are very easy to install and takes a very small period of time for installation. Different types of banners can easily be attached with Banner stand in few minutes.

Some unique features of this service:

  • Standing Tripod / X Stand Banners
  • Standard Pull Up Stand
  • Deluxe Pull Up Stand
  • Roll Up Banner Stand

Some other types include: Pull Up Banner, Single Sided Banner, Standing Banner stand, Tripod Banner stand. Our banner stands are made from heavy-duty & durable plastic and aluminum material which last long. They are available in various designs, sizes and wide range of brilliant colors, with these banners you get free carrying bag for carrying convenience of your banner stand.